Questions are often asked regarding how the APP works. Let us try and answer some of the questions asked or questions that could be frequently asked.
(Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ)

Where can I find the APP?

The app is available in apple and google stores. Look for “memoriesnow”. You can also download the APP from the site: https://memoriesnow.rip, go to the first page with any mobile device and click on the shopping symbol, which will take you directly to the download.

How much does the APP cost?

No, the APP can be downloaded for free from the Apple and Google stores.

Do I have to register to use the app?

In order to consult the rooms, it is not necessary to be registered. It is necessary to register if you would like to create or participate in a virtual room.

I am a friend of the deceased and I want to create a room. Am I allowed to do this even though I am not a relative?

Technically, yes. However, it would be better to first ask someone related to the deceased to see if they have already created a room.

I created a room. Can anybody enter to see posts and photos?

If the room has been deemed private, only those who have been invited can enter and view the contents. If the room has been deemed public, anyone can go in to see publications but they are not allowed to publish.

I have created my room. How do I invite friends and family?

There are two ways to invite people from within the room. This depends on if the person you would like to invite is registered with the APP or not. If, by looking by name, you find the person you are interested in inviting, you just have to invite that person and they will receive a notification by app with the request to participate. If the search does not find the name of the person you would like to invite, an email will be automatically sent.

I created, and am the admin for a room but I do not have time to keep up with it. Can I nominate someone to do it for me?

Yes. One of the tasks of the admin is to name other admins among room participants. These admins share the same rights and privileges as the original room admin.

How long do the rooms and their contents stay online?

Nothing is eternal but MemoriesNow comes close!

Do I need to follow up with a renewal to keep the room active?

No. Once the room is created, there is no renewal necessary in order to maintain activity.

If I do not want the room any more, can I erase it?

Yes, the DELETE function is available when you configure the room. Only an admin is allowed to delete the room.

Are the phrases, photos and videos that the participants post automatically published or do they have to approved by an admin?

Everything posted by any participant in the room must first be approved by an admin who has full responsibility for published content.

Why am I asked for ID when I create a room?

This is a form of protection for you, which assures that no one else can take over a room for which they are not the creator. In case of claims or inappropriate use of the room, we will intervene following legal guidelines.

Will my ID information be released?

Never. The ID that you provide will only ever be shown to the authorities should the need arise.

Can people leave rude comments or post inappropriate pictures?

Those who are able to post have been authorized to do so by the admins. If, by chance, the person is not known or is hiding under a false identity, pictures, videos and all other memories posted will be brought to the attention of the admin. Only when the admin has authorized publication will the post be visible in the room. If not, it will not be published and deleted.

Many of our relatives live far away. Is it possible for them to participate in the funeral?

We all know that nothing is better that being physical present in case of death. However, when it is impossible to get to the funeral, leaving words of goodbye along with virtual flowers or candles by using the app is always appreciated.

Can I use the app instead of the same old condolence telegram?

Yes. Look for the room of the deceased and ask to participate. As soon as your request has been accepted, you will be able to express your condolences in the room and they will be visible to all the participants.

Can I use the app for my pets?

Yes. The MemoriesNow app is for people and pets. When creating the room, be sure to mark “pet”. It is very easy.

Can I share my post on Facebook?

Yes, you can share your posts across social network platforms. With one publication on memories now, you will be able to get your message across the world.

Can I create a room even if I am very much alive?

Yes, you can create a room while alive. We do ask that you nominate a second person as an admin who can take over once you have left this earth.

What good will it do me to create a room while I am alive?

This is a very personal question. Our suggestion would be to create a video message, which will be rendered public after your death.

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